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Urtica dioica (Nettle, Stinging Nettle)
Stinging nettles are ubiquitous, abundant, healthy, delicious, versatile and easy to identify
Calocybe gambosa (St George's Mushroom)
This is the time to look along roadsides, grassy verges, and in leaf litter for Calocybe gambosa
Viola species (violet, dog violet, sweet violet)
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Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff)
The flavour of May is Waldmeister; at least it is, if you grew up in Germany
Morchella species (Morel)
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Alliaria petiolata (Garlic mustard, Hedge mustard, Jack by the hedge)
Ubiquitous and nutritious, this wild vegetable has been collected and eaten by humans for thousands of years ​​
Himanthalia elongata (Sea Spaghetti)
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Cerioporus squamosus (Dryad's Saddle)
This spring mushroom has a meaty texture and an interesting cucumber/watermelon rind scent and flavour
Taraxacum officinale (dandelion)
Though often disregarded as a lowly and all too common weed, one of the most amazing edible flowers are the common dandelions
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